Thor : Ragnarok - Watch online or Download The Full Movie for Free


The initial release of the film was marked on the 3rd of November, 2017. The film was budgeted to an amount of 180 million dollars. With this heavy budget and with the hand of the one of the greatest director 'Taika Waititi' the Ragnarok was a major hit. Its box office crossed over 850 million dollars making it 5 times over the cost of the film. 

In the film Thor, Chris Hemsworth is trapped in the movie at another side of the universe as seen in the trailers. In the movie its seen that this was as planned by him to surrender and then defeat a mighty creature. Another sight is that the breaking of his hammer by a character known as the Hela, Cate Blanchett, who is the sister of the great king of Asgard Odin.This heartbreaking event occurs back on Earth. 

The amazed Thor tries to return back to Asgard where Hela follows him through the Bifrost and with a fight he and Loki get pushed out and gets trapped in a place known as Sakaar. Thor got captured and imprisoned on that planet. At the same time, Hela reaches Asgard and start to destroy the planet. 

Many events occur at this time such as the true nature of Odin back in the days and his sister fighting beside him. How she gets her power from Asgard is also mentioned by Odin. Later in Sakaar, Thor tends to fight in a battle created by a character known as the Grandmaster. Thor challenges his greatest undefeated champion. On the battlefield, he finds out that it was 'The Incredible Hulk'. 

They had an amazing fight and during this fight, Thors' true power was revealed for the first time. Thor escapes the place with Hulk and Loki and also a Valkyrie Asgards former fighting team. 

On Asgard Thor realized that Hela was unable to kill with his power and in the effort, he lost one of his eyes. To know the full story watch the film or download it from the link provided below. It is completely safe just follow the steps after clicking the link.

To download the movie please click here or click the download button below,

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